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Agricultural Engineering     

  • Complete mechanization training in paddy
  • Demonstration of Helical Blade puddler
  • Mat nursery preparation and transplanting using Yanji Transplanter  gletschercasino.org
  • Training on coconut climbing
  • Working and maintenance of sprayers
  • Protected cultivation of vegetables rawmedcol.com
  • Water Management structures for home steads
  • Techniques of rainwater harvesting
  • Selection and use of micro sprinklers
  • Soil and water conservation with agronomic and structural measures

Agricultural Entomology

  • Integrated Pest and Disease Management in rice
  • Organic vegetable production with the aid of botanicals and bio-control agents
  • Eco-friendly management of major pests in banana
  • Pest and disease management in organic farming
  • Management of stem bleeding in coconut
  • Trichocards for the management of rice stem borer and leaf folder
  • Pheromone traps for the management of cucurbit fruit flies
  • Strategies in organic pest management for extension functionaries
  • Pseudomonas for effective disease management in rice
  • Use of metallised reflective ribbons for the management of bird pests of rice
  • Trichoderma – an effective biocontrol agent for the management of stem bleeding
  • Preparation of various extracts for management of pests in households
  • Management of foot rot and leaf spot diseases of betel vine with biocontrol agents
  • Integrated Pest and Disease Management in vegetables
  • Integrated Pest and Disease Management in coconut gardens
  • Novel compounds in pest management

Home Science     

  • Fruit and vegetable processing
  • Mechanized production of white pepper
  • Cultivation of milky mushrooms on house terraces
  • Comprehensive training on mushroom cultivation
  • Production of coconut water vinegar
  • Value added products from cashew apple
  • Jack fruit processing  


  • Cultivation and marketing of medicinal plants suitable to homesteads
  • Cultivation of cool season vegetables
  • Bio-dynamic farming
  • Intercropping in coconut
  • Kitchen gardening
  • Nursery management and commercial floriculture
  • Organic farming in vegetables
  • Protected cultivation of vegetables
  • Quality planting material production
  • Quality seed production in vegetable crops
  • Scientific cultivation of banana  
  • Scientific cultivation techniques in vegetables
  • Terrace cultivation          
  • Use of growth regulators in fruits and vegetables

Agricultural Extension

  •  IT enabled extension management
  •  Entrepreneurship development
  •  Capacity building and group dynamics
  •  Motivation and team building
  •  Creative leadership skills
  •  Effective communication skills
  •  Time management

Livestock Management

  •  Scientific dairy farming
  •  Scientific goat rearing
  •  Rabbit farming
  •  Broiler farming
  •  Backyard Poultry rearing
  •  Profitable dairy enterprise
  •  Fodder cultivation
  •  Economic milk production
  •  Advances in dairy production
  •  Advances in poultry husbandry